Momma Bear (Edna) nourished, protected, and guided her little cubs (Jeri & Craig) through out our numerous relocations, due to Herbert (Pop Bear) being a pilot in the USAF. Ever two years, she orchestrated move-ins and move-outs with ease & precision. Edna was quite organized and could multi-task with ease. She socialized with grace & ease with other military wives and husbands playing Bridge, Military Formals, and sometimes cooking up a Multicourse Chinese Dinner for everyone! Her Cooking and showmanship made her very popular and envied, she should have had her own cooking show like Martin Yan of "Yan Can Cook". She could manipulate that 11" Chinese Cleaver with such precision. She had that knack of what and how much to throw into a "SIZZILLING WOK". BOY, that Woman can COOK! She was a gifted mentor and provided me with a great foundation to venture into "LIFE". I will "LOVE" and "CHERISH" her forever. Craig Leong (#1 Son)